Friday, January 2, 2015

How do I track my progress

Ok, so this is really small, when it's actually really big (11x17 if you print).  I am still learning this whole blog thing, and will work diligently to get this up as a link.  I've created a year at a glance, as a tool (should you decide to use it) to help you track your days.  Use this however you wish, maybe tracking what you consider your on plan days.  Remember, you can choose your own plan.  An on plan day might be:

Not smoking
Drinking 8+ glasses of water
Working out
Getting 7-8, or more, hours sleep
Cooking your food
Bringing your lunch to work, and eating it
Prepping veggies to nibble on during the week
Not getting food from the vending machine
No pop (soda, Coke, Pepsi...)
Any and all of the above

You see where I am going with this.  You choose what is doable for you now, and I guarantee the more successful days you have, the more you will want to do. Promise.

I am choosing to follow the Whole30 (Paleo) plan in January.  This plan is the closest to what my doctor ordered, and I am using it as a reset.  I'll add in dairy and a few carbs like legumes after, unless I choose at that time not to do so (or my body reacts when I do).  Day one was a success.  Day 2 is starting off stressful (I'm the only one at work and my meat is under cooked), however, I am not going to let this deter me.  My FitBit has chimed my 9 AM  water break, and I listened and sipped.  Sorry...had to take another sip.  See, stress happens.  That doesn't mean we have to eat.  It doesn't need to ruin your day.  Take it in, shrug it off, and keep moving on.  And if you slip, just know you can always reset, that next moment.  Do NOT beat yourself up if you slip a whole day.  Just reset the next possible moment you can.  Have you ever forgotten to take a dose of a prescription?  What do they always tell you?  Don't take two doses, just take the next dose.  That is what this journey is all about.  Don't feel you need to double down, just keep going at what is healthy and achievable for you, and you will win,

Have a great day, you got this!


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