Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The countdown is on!

3, 2, 1...We begin our journey on January 1, just under 36 hours to go.  Are you ready?  Have you rid your pantry of tempting foods?  Have you stocked your pantry with your on plan foods?  Your refrigerator with fruits and veggies?  Are you researching recipes and tips to keep you satisfied and on plan?  Have you purchased storage containers that will help prepare lunches for the office?

What can I help you do to prepare?

Personally, I am shopping tomorrow evening after work, headed to Fresh Thyme to get veggies (or maybe Aldi's).  I will cut up veggies, a crudite, to snack on this week.  I already cooked some 90% lean grass fed ground beef, and will saute some veggies for a quick dinner.  I am going to make Paleo mayo to customize into creamy dressings.  My George Foreman will likely come out of storage to cook up some chicken breasts.  The clean eating videos on YouTube are being watched.  The book Well Fed is being read.  And I have my personal reasons and motivations firmly vivid in my brain to keep me going.  I will weigh in on the first, and take my before pictures.  I'll see if I can find my tape measure to do measurements.

This is sooooooooo happening!

I hope you're as excited as I am and not dreading this new beginning.  Feel free to share this, or comment with your tips, tricks, motivators...you're helping me and you can help others too!

Cheers to the new you!


Monday, December 29, 2014

Time to resolve to change....

Have you ever made a new years resolution?  I know, hello rhetorical question.  Of course you have!  January 1st, first day of the new year, is the day that the majority of us choose to be different. For many, resolutions tend to be the equivalent of a totally new person and life.  Somehow, we expect that overnight from New Year's Eve (full of frivolity and indulging) that we will accomplish every change we want and desire to stick, for a full year.  What we tend not to see when we plan our resolutions, is what it would take to achieve the results.

I'm sharing with you today an article written by my health coach.  Jenna McClean is a great resource, and has been very helpful to me in this last year.  Please find a health coach in your area, in your network, they will help you achieve your goals.  Jenna's article will help you achieve yours.

I'll be sharing resources from her throughout the next year.  And if the idea of a resolution leaves you feeling blah from past "failures", think of what you want to bring into the new year.  Health. Happiness. Joy. Love.  These will make anything possible.

What will 2015 hold for you?


Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Twas the Night Before Weigh-in

 twist from my old Weight Watchers days, of an old classic:

'Twas The Night Before Weigh-in

'Twas the the night before weigh-in and all through the house
I was stirring, and oh, so was the mouse
The hopes of a good number were hanging in my head
Making it very hard for me to go to bed

My fate was nestled snuggly in the past
Leaving me wondering if I should fast
Visions of sugared delights danced in my mind
Leaving me to wonder, my waist should I bind?

Oh no that would add unwanted ounces
But it would help the appearance of my blouses
Should I go to such a measure
My commitment to the plan does waiver

Breads, cakes, cookies, and fudge
All these things I did eat that increase my pudge
Their taste divine, the points so high
Again and again I do it, why oh why?

Holiday parties, work functions, and family affairs
Coming so close to weigh-in day, they leave me in despair
Will I have time to undo the damage
I know in my mind that I can manage
I'll drink my water, all 6 glasses
I'll even go to a gym for their exercise classes
I'll eat my protein and drink my milk
Oh, maybe I'll even try the soy variety called Silk

I'll cut back and not eat as much
A loss that will surely clutch
I'll only eat salads and zero point soup
The Weight Watcher staff I know I can surely dupe

They will not be able to tell
That from the plans I definitely fell
They will not see the bruises from the slip, on my leg
And if they do, for a better weight I will beg
I seem to do this week after week 
Leaving my feelings of meeting day so bleak
Next week will be different and better
My commitment to the plans will keep me from being a fretter

I will eat what I should and know that in my heart
From this weight I do carry I shall part
The day will come when my goal I do reach
And along the way will there be others I do teach

Maintenance is finished and lifetime status achieved
All the books and magazines from Weight Watchers I still read
My life is forever changed, my mind made up
The past ways and behaviors I will continuously cleanup

This will stick, I will survive to the end
All those who care about their health are now a friend
And my words of wisdom and advice to all who travel this road,
To all a great weigh-in and may Weight Watchers be your new abode!

Megan Canfield, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 19, 2014

Where Shall You Go?

2015 is almost here.  In two weeks time, our journey will be underway, we will be on Day 2.  We will have mastered Day 1, and we will be feeling motivated for Day 3.  But, we must prepare ourselves, or we will certainly risk it crashing down.

Below is a little Christmas gift, a poem to help you ponder what you wish to achieve and where 2015 will take you.  Next week, I will do a little activity sheet to help you put into words what you want to accomplish, myself included.  For now, think about what you want from this journey, but remember it begins with only a single step.  That's right, that's all you have to commit to doing.

Poem by Me 12/19/14

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Floating and soaring!

Have you ever experienced a new beginning?  Maybe a relationship?  Diet? Schooling? ...  Your mind races, you can't shut down the thoughts.  You know the feeling.  It feels great, eh?

For four years, my mind has raced, but with worry.  Fear has crept in too.  I've had this illness that can't be pinpointed.  Celiac, but is that all it is?  Loads of other things have developed, and I found out that I've likely not been gluten free enough.  But is it more?  Questions.  Always questions.  Worry, always worry.  Fear of the unknown and how long will it last.

Well, I am taking control.  I am tired of this life.  I AM NOT LIVING.  I AM JUST EXISTING, AND NOT HAPPILY.  This week alone, I have discussed having a small garden plot at a friend's, doing yoga with a friend that wants to open it up to anyone that can't afford it (more about that later), and got a gifted used FitBit setup.  I've been researching recipes, ins and outs of what I will need to eat...just can't stop thinking about all the good.  My mind may be racing, but it's the good kind.

I still have some days of testing and possible worry ahead of me, but that feels limited and surmountable.  First time in four years!  So many doors opening up for me, and hopefully you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mission Statement

This is my personal mission statement in regards to my health and well-being.

I am well in body, mind and spirit. I am healthy and look healthy. I exude confidence. I am full of energy and live an active life. I am a better friend and daughter because of my healthy lifestyle and frame of mind. I am loved.

My Mission statement for this blog:

Anyone that reads and becomes a part of this community will learn ways to be well.  Their life will be better and fuller, healthier and more confident.  Change will occur, it may not always be easy, but it'll be worth it!