Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Is a broken dishwasher the end of the world?

I know, first world problem.  ; )

Last night I started a load of dishes, I came upstairs to bed with my big cup of herbal tea, and got in bed to chill.  All of a sudden I heard a loud noise, sort of a whirl.  I stopped the washer and restarted.  Noise continued.  I canceled the load and realized that my motor is probably going out.

This is probably the worst time for my washer to break due to the sheer amount of dishes I have as I am preparing everything I eat from scratch.  And this way of eating allows me to eat a lot, and a huge variety of foods.  So, there are lots of dishes.  A couple months ago, I would have cried and been very worried about the $ needed to buy a new dishwasher.  Just a week into this wellness journey (foodwise), I am able to see this differently.  I was able to quickly realize this is just a machine.  A machine that I've relied on to wash my dishes, costing me money in water, electricity, cleaner and additive to prevent water spots.  I have the tools already and they're free.  I did 3 huge loads of dishes today, and was I inconvenienced by the time it took?  A little, but they're prettier than they ever come out in the dishwasher.  I cooked a couple rounds of food today, and everything is clean and put away.  My kitchen looks great!

I used my busted washer as a big drying rack.  ;)  I burned some calories, and I saved some electricity.  It's all about perspective.

The more I am headed into this journey, the more I feel like a new homesteader, but I feel like I've done it before.  Maybe I'm reliving a past life, but it feels right.  I'm nesting, rearranging my rooms, lighting candles, bringing in soft lighting.  I'm feeling the tides turning, the psychic shift happening that will carry me into this new world of wellness.

What have you accomplished today?  We're six days in, time for changes to be rooting and growing.  14 more days and you have a new habits, or habits.

Below are some of the foods I've made, dinner last night and tonight.  I finally made cauliflower "rice" (with cumin, lime and cilantro).  It's pretty darn tasty.  I made salmon last night, yum.  I bought shallots, normally just use onions.  They are really tasty.  Tonight I was not craving meat, so I had a vegetarian Paleo dinner.  That was so satisfying.  I baked a white sweet potato, peeled and chopped.  I pan seared it in the ghee I made today, added some savory spices.  I had a salad on the side with pistachios, blueberries and less than half an orange.  I used a homemade dressing of walnut oil, rosemary balsamic vinegar, s&p, ground mustard and a squidge of lime juice.  So tasty!

I hope you're well on your way, enjoying this journey.  Embrace it baby, you're worth it!

Keep workin’ your plan, you got this! 

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