Monday, January 5, 2015

Change your environment to change your behaviors

As I was driving into work today, I was listening to NPR.  This story, about heroin addiction in Vietnam soldiers, means about our own addictions,  (linked below) was on as I was warming up my car waiting for the frozen layers to melt off so I could see.  I was listening to this, getting more intrigued as I went on.  This hit me, “We think of ourselves as controlling our behavior, willing our actions into being, but it's not that simple.  It's as if over time, we leave parts of ourselves all around us, which in turn, come to shape who we are.” Alix Spiegel
I just heard a pop fall down into the vending slot, and now I want a Coca Cola.  I’m a Coke addict.  There I said it.  I used to drink 4-6 regular pops a day in high school.  I’ve fought this demon much of my adult life, and I must say I really want one.  I’ve quit, but always gone back to them.  That sound, coupled with the pop of the tab I’ll hear in a minute (if my boss ever decides to open his drink), send a signal to my brain that says, go to the machine.  There it was, I knew he would open it soon.  I so want a pop! 
I have been mulling this over today, wishing I had some mulled cider as it is sooooooo cold in Indianapolis.  I’m feeling firmly entrenched in my food plan, Whole30.  I’m experiencing some detox symptoms, and some cravings, even dreaming about food.  Luckily, I don’t remember what it was I ate in the dream.  I hope these dreams don’t get any more vivid.  The nights are spent cooking right now, trying to learn my rhythm and organizational style of this new life.  I’m creating recipes, trying some I find online, and exploring.  I’m thinking in my mind how I can improve on my daily routine to help me stick to this.  I’m also trying to avoid thinking that I “have” to do this for a whole year.   Yes, I do.  My health, livelihood, depends on it.  Doctors orders.  How many of us have gone to the doctor and been given a prescription for a pill, wishing we didn’t have another copay, let alone the condition that is causing us to pop a pill, or pills, daily.  Here’s what my day looks like, minus the fish oil at home:

I’ve been ordered to eat this way for a year if I want my neuropathy to heal.  I was blown away that a doctor told me to cure myself through food.  A western doctor.  How cool is that?!?!  I do have to do this for a year, but today I just need to do it for today.  So, within a couple months, my picture above will be smaller.  My doctor has assured me that with even 15 pounds gone, I can get rid of some of these.  And in a year, I hope to be off all pharmaceuticals, feeding my body the nutrients it needs from food, and maybe an occasional supplement.  Here is my new medicine cabinet:

So, the environment has to change for us to change.  Dr. Joel Fuhrman once said, “Permanent results only come from permanent changes in diet and lifestyle.”  (Food Matters)  That permanent part is likely what trips us up, why so many don’t keep New Year’s resolutions.  That being said, he is right, you cannot have permanent changes that lead to good health if you half ass your way through life.  Does this mean I, we, will never get to eat potato chip or drink a Coke ever again?  No.  But, I might find after a year I no longer want them in my body.  That’s a hope that will keep me going through this.

Today I realized:
I will slice a lemon up a couple times a week and keep at the office for tea. 
I will cut up veggies twice a week, I’ll get more variety that way
I must keep herbal tea that is Whole30 compliant at work for when water gets boring…

Keep workin’ your plan, you got this! 

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