Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Where have I been?

Boy it has been a while since I posted an update.  I can definitely see that this blog, whether anyone is reading it or not, is integral to my journey to wellness.  Not posting, not having this extra piece of accountability, has affected my program.  I finished the first Whole30 on 1/30, losing 18 pounds and 8+ inches.  I felt great.  The last two weeks, I have slipped a couple times.  The last time was this past weekend, a baked potato with cheese and sour cream.  I was sick almost instantly, my day out with a friend was changed and I hated my friend having to experience this.  I had spoken out loud to my friend that I feel I have to have the option to enjoy a non-Paleo meal from time to time, I can't do Paleo every day of my life.  My body decided that can't be the case.  I have to live the Paleo diet, or I will be sick and have little to no social life.

And I have been extra tired and even a mild case of the flu in the last 2 weeks.  Correlation?  I know so!

My parents are both dealing with some health issues, upwards of major.  I've been more on the run with them, and my food prep has dwindled, my veggie consumption has lessened. I can eat a chicken breast on the run, I just don't always plan for that. I have been making a conscious effort this week to increase my vegetable intake, more fruit but not too much (1 serving a day). I tried a new to me recipe for baked cauliflower mash last night.  It was quite tasty and I will link below.  It's the little actions that add up.

I saw a doctor today and we chatted about my blog and diet.  I was so touched that she has taken the time to read this, as this is so much more than just putting thoughts out there.  This is therapy for me, I hope so for you too.  This is a journey that I am taking very seriously.  I am taking my health in my firmly clasped hands and I am not letting it loose.  I refuse to go back to where I was that got me to the Cleveland Clinic.  I refuse to allow myself to continue to get worse, as I have allowed myself for the last 4 years. The thing is, I railed against no diagnosis, no explanation for my illness. Yet I was not doing all I could do to get better. The diagnosis doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is health, strength and longevity.

I had been walking but that has been suspended for a time.  My shins are raging from muscle atrophy post surgery.  I need to ice and massage for a bit to get them to a lower level of pain.  My left ankle is inflamed and got a steroid shot today, that will help a lot.  My hope is another week and I will be back out there pounding the pavement.

I am off my meds now!!!!!!!! I am able to tolerate the aches and pains that haven't healed yet. I wake up refreshed every morning, even with 6-7 hours sleep.  My body rhythms are in sync.  I definitely feel and trust that this can and will be my life, and it will provide a GREAT life!

Thanks for reading and I hope you find some inspiration here to make the changes you need.  I highly recommend the Paleo diet if you have any health issues at all.


Keep workin' your plan, you're worth it!


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