Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Quadruple Rainbow!!!!!!!!

Rainbows are a beautiful sight to behold. Did you hear about the recent double double rainbow? It took place IN New York after a lot of rain, and one lucky lady broke the internet with the gorgeous picture. Here’s a link to a story on it: The thing about rainbows, a beautiful sight to behold full of lore and mystery, is that they come out after rain and storms, when the sun is trying to shine through. So that’s not the scientific way to explain a rainbow, but it’s the gist. Dolly Parton speaks of this as evidenced below:

Maybe it’s that she’s an artist, a great one at that, but she gets it. There is a duality in life, maybe self imposed, but it exists. There is not an appreciation for the light until you’ve been in the dark. There’s no rainbow, without rain. There’s a far greater acceptance of the warm summer days if the winter months have been cold. As is with health and weight loss. If the last four years taught me anything, it is to appreciate good health when I have it, and work as hard as I can to keep it. I absolutely hate that every morsel I put in my mouth has to be verified gluten free, checked for any possible cross contamination, questions must be asked of the host at parties…basically there is no joy in eating anymore. I am learning that food is for fuel, we should all eat like that, but we don’t. I see commercials, tv shows, movies, Facebook posts, friends, all eating anything they want without a care or concern. It hurts me, I long for that freedom. But, if I didn’t ask all of the questions, look at websites, Google everything, read label after label after label, I would be in the storm. This reality is actually my rainbow, daresay my quadruple rainbow. I am experiencing health now that I never dreamed possible in the storm of the 2011-2014 (January to December). The sun peeked through the clouds and rain and the brightest rainbow appeared.

What storm are you facing? What steps can you do to let the sun in? How can you make your rainbow shine?

Keep workin’ your plan, you’re worth it!

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